
Call for Papers
Dear colleagues,
IFSTJ is open access and peer-reviewed journal has been accredited (SINTA 4) by the Indonesian Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education. The journal dealing with the advancement technology on food science and Nutrition. Â The reviewers of this journal come from high qualify International academics from Australia, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Singapore and Indonesia as well. All articles until this issue  (Vol 5 No 1, December 2022) were authored/co-authored by authors from many countries (Thailand, Iran, Malaysia, Algeria, Nigeria and Indonesia).

A call for a new manuscripts is now open for Volume 5 no 2 July 2023, the submissions are welcome until 30 June 2023. The online version of the journal can be accessed at  For further information and correspondence, please contact the secretariat of Department of Technology of Agricultural Product (THP) Jambi University, Jl Tri Batra Kampus pondok meja KM 11 Mestong, Jambi, Poscode 36364 ; E-mail: or