HAKIKAT, ALASAN, DAN TUJUAN BERBICARA (Dasar Pembangun Kemampuan Berbicara Mahasiswa)

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This  article  discusses  the  nature,  reason,  and  purpose  to  speak.  In  this  articlestated  that  in essence  the  speaking is  a  creative expression;  behavior,  reciprocalcommunication;  individual existence;  radiant  personality  and  intellectual,  learningresults of operations,  as well as  a means toexpand their knowledge.  Motivating factor  of human  activity  to speaking  is the  internal drive  individual  and  external encouragement.  The  purpose  of  speaking,  among  others,  to  express  thoughtsand  feelings,  responding  toot  her  people's  conversations,  comforting  others, share information, and influence others.Keywords: the nature, reason, and purpose of speaking


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How to Cite
HAKIKAT, ALASAN, DAN TUJUAN BERBICARA (Dasar Pembangun Kemampuan Berbicara Mahasiswa). (2014). Pena : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra, 2(2). Retrieved from https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pena/article/view/1451
Pena Vol 3 No. 1 Juli 2013 : 67-80 (ISSN 2089-3973)

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