Analisis Deviasi Linguistik pada Acara Komedi “Lapor Pak!†di Trans TV
analisis, deviasi, linguistik, komediAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan deviasi linguistik yang ada pada acara komedi Lapor Pak! Trans7. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Sumber data utama pada penelitian ini adalah tuturan pada acara komedi Lapor Pak! di Trans7 pada tanggal 4 Maret 2022 dengan judul “Kasus investasi bodong†durasi 44 menit 10 detik, 10 Maret 2022 dengan judul “Sistem keamanan kantor lapor pak diretas†durasi 44 menit 3 detik, 16 Maret 2022 dengan judul “Komandan beri target menyelesaikan kasus†durasi 44 menit 8 detik, 18 Maret 2022 dengan judul “Hasil medical check up pasukin, Kok penyakitan?†durasi 41 menit 37 detik, dan 31 Maret 2022 dengan judul “Pasukin dimarahin komandan gara-gara ada ojol menerobos parade MotoGP†durasi 40 menit 42 detik yang ditayangkan pada Youtube Trans7. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari tuturan yang diklasifikasikan berdasarakan unsur-unsur deviasi linguistik yang ada pada acara komedi Lapor Pak! Trans7. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa deviasi linguistik yang ada pada acara komedi Lapor Pak! di Trans 7, sejumlah 52 data deviasi lingusitik. Data tersebut terdiri dari 44 data deviasi fonologi, 3 data deviasi morfologi terkait permasalahan afiks, dan 5 data deviasi semantik.
This study aims to describe the linguistic deviations that exist in the comedy show Lapor Pak! trans7. This research uses a descriptive method. Data collection uses the technique of observing and noting. The main data source in this study is the utterances on the comedy show Lapor Pak! on Trans7 on March 4 2022 with the title "The case of fraudulent investment" duration 44 minutes 10 seconds, March 10 2022 with the title "The security system of the report office has been hacked" duration 44 minutes 3 seconds, March 16 2022 with the title "Commander gives a target to resolve the case †duration of 44 minutes 8 seconds, March 18 2022 with the title “Results of the medical check-up of the paramedics, why are you sick?†duration of 41 minutes 37 seconds, and 31 March 2022 with the title "Pasukin was scolded by the commander because an ojol broke through the MotoGP parade" with a duration of 40 minutes 42 seconds which was broadcast on Youtube Trans7. The data in this study were obtained from utterances that were classified based on the elements of linguistic deviation in the comedy show Lapor Pak! trans7. The results of the study show that there is a linguistic deviation in the comedy show Lapor Pak! in Trans 7, a total of 52 linguistic deviation data. The data consists of 44 phonological deviation data, 3 morphological deviation data related to affix problems, and 5 semantic deviation data.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Adha Amelia Fitriani, Ade Kusmana, Anggi Triandana

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