Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa Antara Pedagang Dan Pengelola Pasar
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This article analyzes the causes of default on the exercise of the rights and obligations of the parties in the lease agreement between the trader and the manager of the Upper Market of Sarolangun District. The type of research used in this writing is Empirical juridical research. The parties who are the samples/test materials of this study are the relevant government parties as the first party and the traders as tenants or second parties. In the study, it was found that the rights and obligations of the traders and managers of the Sarolangun Regency Upper Market have not been implemented properly. This is because the agreed agreement provides for the full obligation to the rented kiosk given entirely to the trader. Meanwhile, the rights and obligations of market managers are only to hand over stalls and receive rent payments. Furthermore, the obstacle faced is that traders are often late and do not even want to pay rent. In addition, there are also vendors who rent out stalls that have been rented from the market manager to other merchants and merchants also rent out the stall yard to other small vendors to help pay the rent of the stall to the market manager. This article provides suggestions for revising or changing the substance of this lease agreement to pay more attention to the needs of the community.
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