Pemidanaan Terhadap Pelaku penganiayaan yang mengakibatkan luka berat (kasus putusan Nomor 25/piid.B/2022/Pun.Mbn)

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Syafiyani Syafiya



This study aims to analyze the punishment ofperpetrators of maltreatment resulting in serious injury in the context of criminal law in indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical research method and literature study as the main data source. Through an analysis of laws related to the pinishment of maltreatment resulting in serious injury, this research identifies the limitations and criteria for sentencing stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition, this study also analyzes court decisions regarding sentences given in cases of maltreatment with serious injuris to understand criminal practices in the field. The result of this study indicate that in practice the punishment of perpetrators of abuse resulting in serious injuries still has challenges and obstacles. Saveral factors, and other considerations can influence the amount of sentence handed down by a court. Therefor, there is a need for futher clarification in laws and and regulations to ensure fairness in the punishment of cases of maltreatment with serious injuries. This research is expected to contributed to improving the criminal justice system for perpretrators of abuse that result in serious injuries in Indonesia.

Keywords: punishment, persecution, serous injury




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How to Cite
Syafiya, S. (2024). Pemidanaan Terhadap Pelaku penganiayaan yang mengakibatkan luka berat (kasus putusan Nomor 25/piid.B/2022/Pun.Mbn). UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(2), 270-291. Retrieved from