Pengawasan Pemerintahan Daerah Terhadap Izin Pedagang Kaki Lima

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Ibnu Alif fadhil


This study discusses the Supervision of the Regional Government of Jambi City on the Permits of Street Vendors (PKL) in Pasar Jambi District. Which aims to know, understand, and explain about supervision, obstacles in carrying out supervision, and the application of administrative sanctions against street vendors in the Pasar Kota Jambi sub-district who do not have a permit and carry out selling activities in places where they should not be carried out. The research method used in this research is empirical juridical law research. The specifications in this study are descriptive in nature, which means that they provide an overview of the Jambi City Government's supervision of street vendors in the Pasar District area of ​​Jambi City. This study discusses the form of supervision carried out by the Regional Government of Jambi City in following up from supervision to enforcement of administrative sanctions for street vendors who violate the rules set out in the Legislative Regulations as an example in Based on Jambi City Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2016 Concerning Arrangement and Empowering Street Vendors. The conclusion from this study is the rise of street vendors selling on the shoulder of the road, in the shop yard, and above the drainage channel due to the imposition of sanctions in the form of warnings to emptying the selling places, so that problems in supervision were also encountered because the Jambi City Market District could not carry out direct monitoring because only the Pasar Sub-District does direct monitoring, bearing in mind that the position and location of street vendors changes after each monitoring is carried out, which is a similar obstacle in enforcing administrative sanctions against street vendors. It is hoped that this research will formulate policies related to coordinating efforts to supervise and organize street vendors in Pasar Kota Jambi sub-district, based on this policy still taking sides with the interests of the community, the sub-district apparatus and the sub-district leadership as the top holders of the Jambi City Pasar sub-district government. And maybe for monitoring it can be almost fully or partially assisted by other parties such as the Jambi City Market Service to do this


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How to Cite
Alif Fadhil, I. (2023). Pengawasan Pemerintahan Daerah Terhadap Izin Pedagang Kaki Lima . UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(1), 51-66. Retrieved from


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