Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit Antara Nasabah Dengan PT. BPR Perdana Cipta Sejahtera

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Laetitia Sekar Faradiba


The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the rights and obligations of the credit agreement and the factors that are obstacles in the credit agreement between the customer and PT. BPR Perdana Cipta Sejahtera in Jambi City. The type of research used is empirical juridical research based on data obtained on the location used as a research sample. By using data collection tools, namely interviews and document studies. From the results of the study, it is known that in the implementation of credit agreements between customers and PT. BPR Perdana Cipta Sejahtera in Jambi City has not been carried out properly, because the obligations that should be carried out by customers are not carried out in accordance with the agreed credit agreement. There are several bad credit customers due to the decline in financial income due to the pandemic, causing customers to have made defaults and banks have the right to take action in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit agreement. The final settlement taken is pt. BPR Perdana Cipta sejahtera must be more careful in providing credit to prospective customers.


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How to Cite
Faradiba, L. S. (2023). Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit Antara Nasabah Dengan PT. BPR Perdana Cipta Sejahtera . UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(1), 112-130. Retrieved from


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