Studi Literatur: Perbandingan Kualitas Makroskopis dan Mikroskopis Semen Segar Sapi Simmental dan Limousin pada Umur yang Berbeda
Literatur Review: Comparison of Macroscopic and Microscopic Quality of Fresh Semen of Simmental and Limousin Cattle at Different Ages
Semen quality, Limousin, Simmental, AgeAbstract
Background: Artificial insemination (AI) is one of the applications of biotechnology in the field of cattle reproduction that allows for the rapid and cost-effective distribution of cattle genetics by certified inseminators. The quality of semen is a crucial factor in producing livestock with good quality. Factors influencing the production of beef cattle semen include age, genetics, temperature, season, ejaculation frequency, feed, and body weight. Purpose: This literature study aims to examine the effect of cow age on the quality of fresh semen in Limousin and Simmental cattle. Methods: This study is a literature review using sources from journals, proceedings, and books obtained through Google Scholar, Google Books, and the Universitas Gadjah Mada Library (LIB UGM). The sources used include journals and proceedings with publication years in the last ten years and books published no later than the year 2000. Results: The review’s findings show that the age difference between Simmental and Limousin bulls has an impact on the semen that is produced. In Simmental bull in the age range of four to six years, the average volume is 6,69±0,82 ml, pH is 6,53±0,18, a mass movement is 2,84±0,00, motility is 67,512±5,11%, and concentration is 1.506,03±254,27 million/ml. Meanwhile, Limousin bull in the age range of four to six years, have an average volume of 8,39±3,11 ml, pH of 6,51±0,13, mass movement of 2,33±0,58, motility of 72,45±10,89%, and concentration of 1.30,66±283,30 million/ml. Conclusion: Based on the literature, it can be concluded that Simmental and Limousin cattle have optimal fresh semen quality in the age range of four to six years compared to the age range of two to four years.
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