Perlindungan Hukum Kaum Perempuan Terhadap Kejahatan Cyber Harassment
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Along with the development of technological advances in the present as well fueled development modes of crime. One of them is a sexual crime that frequent occurrence over the internet or online application and social media. That is not a simply deceit, but also can causes sexual traps and sexual harassment in online then harms victims. This study will focus on legal protection aspects towards women of Online Sexual Crimes (Cyber Harassment). This is normative legal research which will examine blankness of norm, obscurity of norm and discrepancy of norm. Method of this study used study of literature and focus on particularize of positive criminal law in Indonesia. Purpose of this study is for researching how far Indonesian criminal law policy in protecting women from sexual crime that happened in online. Formulation of the problem in this study are how online sexual crime in perspective rules of legislation in Indonesia and how legal policy regulation of sexual crime into to the ahead. This online sexual crime is still relatively new and rife in recent years. Social media has also become a new space for sexual harassment so that legal protection of women from online sexual crimes is needed.
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