Peran Hukum Pidana Dalam Upaya Penegakan Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Bayi

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Nisrina Ramadhani Daulay


The crime of infanticide is a form of crime that kills someone who is committed by the birth mother of the baby herself. Babies should be cared for and given the opportunity to live, grow, develop optimally in accordance with human dignity and values, and get protection from violence and discrimination. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the various arrangements regarding the crime of infanticide committed by biological mothers against their babies, to find out the prespective of law enforcement in overcoming the crime of infanticide. This research method is empirical juridical. With descriptive research specifications, with the intention of describing or describing criminal law enforcement arrangements and the efforts made are appropriate or otherwise. The result of the study show that the regulation of law enforcement against the perpetrators of the crime of infanticide in the Jambi City area is carred out through a process of investigation, investigation by the police followed by the process of arrest, prosecution by the public prosecutor, and implementation of the decision in court. The perspective of law enforcers in overcoming the crime of infanticide is carried out with prepentive and repressive efforts.


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How to Cite
Daulay, N. R. (2023). Peran Hukum Pidana Dalam Upaya Penegakan Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Bayi . UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(1), 372-387. Retrieved from


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