Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): IRJE |Indonesian Research Journal in Education
Managing and Overcoming Barriers to Inclusive Education: A Case Study
Primary School Teacher Performance in Creating Quality Learning
Trends of primary Schools’ Conflict Resolution as Peace Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
An Investigation of the Readiness of the Prakerin Program Implementation to Improve Students’ Competence
The Impacts of Intention, Academic Stress, and Self-Efficacy on High School Students’ Maladjustment Behaviors
Teaching English and Plus Curriculum: Teachers’ Challenges and Strategies in an Indonesian Madrasah
The Evaluation of the State University Operational Assistance Policy: The Case of the Two State Universities
The Vocational High School Strategy in Increasing Partnerships with Business and Industry
The development of STEM-based DIGASS application to improve college student assessment skills
The Changes from Suntiang Pasumandan to Suntiang Panari at the Tuah Sakato Art Studio
Bite the Bullet: Experiences in Writing Undergraduate Theses during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Multicultural-Based Social Interactions: The Case of a Private High School
The Types and Causes of Anxiety in EFL Students during Proposal Seminar Presentations
The Latent Function of Tabuik as Minangkabau Culture and Literature Learning in the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
English Teaching Practices at Local Primary Schools: Teachers’ Problems and Solutions
Authentic Materials for Integrated Skills at Mechanical Engineering Students
The Effect of Learning with the “Copy the Master Technique” and Learning Motivation on Anecdote Text Writing Skills
Teaching in Rural Areas: Voices of Surviving Civil Servant Teachers of English
The Impacts of the Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning Models with Self-Confidence on Students’ Learning Outcomes
Facilitating Dialogues in an Online Classroom: Insights from an EFL Classroom
School Management and Student Achievement: The Case of One Private School
Cultural Identity: The Symbols, Meaning, and Interpretation of Bakar Tongkang Tradition
Evaluating the Implementation of Learning Management System: The Case of an English Education Study Program
Character Education, Local Wisdom, and the Profile of Pancasila Students: Challenges and Potential Approach
Student Worksheets and the Level of Students' Confidence in Solving the Hots Questions
The Potential of Virtual Reality Technology in Children's Learning Success
The Impacts of the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Program on Students’ Academic Performance