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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file should be in Microsoft Word file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5 line-spaced; uses a 12-point font-Garamond; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Welcome from the Editorial Team

The mission of the IRJE (Indonesian Research Journal in Education) provides a vital forum for exchanging ideas in order to enrich the theory, policy, and practice of education in Indonesia and around the world. IRJE is an open access, peer-reviewed, and international e-journal, published in Indonesia, which accepts unpublished, high quality, and original research manuscripts in English, resulting primarily from quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methodology related to or associated with education. These issues include but are not limited to practices, policies, and research in education from early childhood education to higher education including instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, educational policy, language education and policy, bilingual education, multicultural education, art education, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments, and international education.

The coeditors can be contacted by email at and at IRJE (Indonesian Research Journal in Education), Universitas Jambi, Jl. Raden Mattaher No.16, Jambi Indonesia 36113. E-mail is our preferred method of communication.

General articles and research manuscripts.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically at This system will permit the editorial team to keep the submission and review process as efficient as possible. Our user-friendly, online manuscript submission and review system also offers authors the option to track the review process of manuscripts in real time.

Please note that IRJE uses a blind review process; therefore, writers must exclude authors’ names, institutions, and clues to the authors’ identities that exist within the manuscript.

Manuscript Criteria. The fitness of a manuscript for publication in IRJE is carefully reviewed based on each of the dimensions listed below.

  1. Significance/relevance to education
  2. Conceptual framework (connections to relevant constructs in literature)
  3. Methods (manuscript MUST an empirical study): appropriateness to questions, adequate description of methods (including data collection and analysis), and rigor of methods
  4. Findings/conclusions are data-based
  5. Overall contribution to the field
  6. Writing style/composition/clarity

Manuscript General Format

Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review/Theoretical/Conceptual Framework, Methods, Findings/Results, Discussion, Conclusion/Implications, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements, References

Title Page. Title should not exceed 12 words.

Typing. IRJE only accepts electronic submission in MSWord. All text, including title, headings, references, quotations, figure captions, and tables, must be typed, 1.5 line spaced, with one-inch margins all around and type on one side of A4 paper. Please use a 12-point font-Garamond. Your manuscript, including its headings and subheadings, should conform to the most recent APA style guide. (See for more information on headings.) Your manuscript should be 1.5 line spaced throughout, including references and any quotations of 40 or more words. You can find an APA sample paper here:

Length. When submitting to IRJE, a manuscript, including all references, tables, and figures, should not exceed 10,000 words. Submissions exceeding this limit may not be accepted for review. Authors should keep tables and figures to a minimum and include them in the text. See this link to help you format your manuscript:

Style. For writing and editorial style, authors must follow guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2009). Authors should number all text pages.

Abstract and keywords. All research manuscripts for IRJE must include an abstract and a few keywords. Abstracts describing the essence of the manuscript must be 150 words or less. Authors should select keywords from the menu on the manuscript submission system so that readers may search for the article after it is published.

References: References should be cited both in text and in the references list and should conform to the most recent APA style guide.

Tables and Figures. IRJE requires all tables and figures to conform with the most recent APA style guide.

Professional Editing Services. Authors seeking assistance with English language editing and/or translation should contact

More than one author: Notice to Authors of Joint Works (articles with more than one author). This journal uses a contributor agreement that requires just one author (the Corresponding Author) to sign on behalf of all authors. Please identify the Corresponding Author for your work when submitting your manuscript for review to IRJE.

Conflict of interest: Please provide a conflict of interest statement. If there is no conflict of interest, state that. (It should be placed in a separate section after conclusion and before the References.)
Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the References.
Appendices. Supplementary material should be collected in an Appendix (after references). 

Formats of the journal are downloadable through these links: | COVER LETTER | TITLE PAGE | TEMPLATE OF MANUSCRIPT |

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.