Author Guidelines
Article Template can be downloaded here
Statement of Authorship downloaded here
This Writing Guide is intended as a guide for authors in creating manuscripts and submitting them to editors, as well as a reference for editors and the editorial team in evaluating manuscripts. academics, scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners who wish to submit manuscripts to the Communale Journal are expected to believe in the instructions of this writing.
The manuscript is the author's own work and has never been published in other publications with the submission of a Statement of Authorship sent together with the manuscript as a separate file. Please download the Authorship Statement Letter above.
Manuscripts of scientific papers or research results are written in Indonesian in accordance with applicable or standard language rules, using the Calibri Light (Headings) letter format, size 11, space 1.5, paper with a width of 15.5 cm and a height of 23 cm, margins left-up, bottom-right 2.54 cm, with a range of 4,000-8,000 words outside the identity of articles, abstracts, and bibliography.
Scientific Papers or research articles are articles that have a relationship with the dynamics of conflict management in the use of natural resources using the perspectives of Law, Economics, Politics, Education, Agriculture, and Forestry.
Scientific papers or research articles must contain: article identity, abstracts accompanied by keywords, introductions, discussions, conclusions, and bibliography.
The identity of the article contains the title, the name of the author without the title accompanied by the institution of the place of work or place where the article was produced or intended, and an email address.
The abstract contains 150 - 250 words, written 1 space in Indonesian and English. The final part of the abstract is accompanied by keywords, namely meaning words in the article consisting of 3-5 words.
The introduction contains a description behind the discussion and writing, the scope of writing, and, if necessary, the methods used in analyzing the problem. These descriptions do not require their own sub-discussion, but are included in the Introduction section
The discussion contains data and analysis. The title of this section does not have to be written specifically for the discussion, but it can also adjust to the language of the article. In it can be divided into various sub-discussions.
The conclusion contains a summary of the discussion that answers the problems behind the writing.
References contain library material that is cited and referenced in article writing. Most of the referenced library material suggested to come from journal articles relating to written articles.
Citation Source Writing
The writing and citation sources follow the Chicago (The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th editon, 2017) and Turabian (A Manual for Writers, 9th edition, 2018) styles adapted to the Communale Journal template. The citation is written in the format:
In the footnotes
Bahder Johan Nasution. Legal Science Research Methods. Bandung : Mandar Maju. 2008. P. 30.
Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig. Artificial Interlligence A Modern Approach, Third Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education,inc. 2010. thing. 55.
Akbar Kurnia Putra. Agreement on Agriculture. Journal of Law & Development. Vol. 46, No.1. 2016. p. 90.
Retno Kusniati. Journal of the History of the Protection of Human Rights in relation to the conception of the state of law. Journal of Legal Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 5. 2011. p. 12
Hafrida. Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice to Formulate Integrated Child Criminal Court. Journal of Law and Justice. Volume 8, Number 3. 2019. P. 443.
Teguh Yuwono. The Urgency of Regulating the Use of Autonomous Weapon Systems in International Humanitarian Law. Thesis. Filed for a bachelor's degree. Jambi: Jambi University. 2022. p. 40. The prosecution of the case of the death of Brigadier J, Kadiv Propam Irjen Ferdy Sambo should be deactivated first. Retrieved September 11, 2022.
In References (Grouped by alphabet)
Hafrida. Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice to Formulate Integrated Child Criminal Court. Journal of Law and Justice. Volume 8, Number 3. 2019. P. 443 The prosecution of the case of the death of Brigadier J, Kadiv Propam Irjen Ferdy Sambo should be deactivated first. Retrieved September 11, 2022.
Kusniati, Retno. Journal of the History of the Protection of Human Rights in relation to the conception of the state of law. Journal of Legal Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 5. 2011.
Nasution, Bahder Johan. Legal Science Research Methods. Bandung : Mandar Maju. 2008. P. 30.
Russel, Stuart J. and Peter Norvig. Artificial Interlligence A Modern Approach, Third Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education,inc. 2010. thing. 55.
Republic of Indonesia. Law Number 24 of 2000 concerning International Treaties.
____, Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Establishment of Laws and Regulations.
Putra, Akbar Kurnia . Agreement on Agriculture. Journal of Law & Development. Vol. 46, No.1. 2016.
The Uniter Nations Convention Againts Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1988.
Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Between Republic of Indonesia and Swiss Confederation.
Yuwono, Resolute. The Urgency of Regulating the Use of Autonomous Weapon Systems in International Humanitarian Law. Thesis. Jambi: Jambi University. 2022. p. 40.
Image and Table Illustration
Illustrations in the form of images or tables can be used in articles that are numbered (figure 1, table 1) and the title on them (for example Brand Cases in the Jakarta Commercial Court 2015-2017). Illustrations in the form of tables are created using only horizontal lines.