Journal Policy
This journal policy is a publication guideline in the Communale Journal, so that the process of publishing and using published articles is carried out ethically and responsibly. This publication policy covers the scope of the journal, the journal's journaling, writing guidelines, manuscript submission, the originality of the work, the editing process, publication, archives, and accessibility. The parties involved in the publication process and its use, namely authors, editors, peer reviewers, and readers, must pay attention to this publication policy.
Journal Scope
In each issue, Communale Journal contains 6 articles from multidisciplinary or cross-study research. Communale Journal accommodates studies on the field of conflict management in the use of natural resources in Indonesia using legal, economic, political, educational, agricultural, and forestry perspectives. In each article or articles, it is only allowed to contain content that uses one perspective. This is necessary in order to make it easier for readers to understand the content of the discussion, as well as to narrow the research so that the discussion does not widen.
Publication Periodicality
Comunale Journal periodically publishes 3 (three) times a year, namely in March, July and November. Publications are carried out in print and online versions using the Open Journal System (OJS) media on the page. In each issue, Communale Journal contains articles from academics, scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners who are involved in the field of conflict management in the use of natural resources in Indonesia.
Writing Guidelines
These Writing Guidelines are intended as a reference for authors who intend to submit their manuscripts to the Communale Journal, as well as a reference for editors and peer reviewers in evaluating incoming manuscripts. Therefore, authors, editors, and peer reviewers must understand and follow these guidelines so that published articles have uniformity of style. please visit the page.
Originality of the Manuscript
Communale Journal only publishes original articles that have never been published in other publications. In maintaining the ethics of scientific publications, editors require every author who submits his manuscript to the Communale Journal to complete an affidavit of authorship (please download it here), in order to avoid publishing articles that contain plagiarism and authorship disputes. Editors also use the Turnitin app and the google search engine to find out the possible similarities of incoming manuscripts to published articles.
Manuscript Submission
Submission of manuscripts to the editors of the Communale Journal is carried out online and independently by the author or through the help of editors at the OJS that has been provided. The author must register by creating an account on the registration menu and if it is registered please log in via the log in menu. The author must prepare 2 (two) files (files) to be uploaded, namely the article manuscript (in word format), and a Statement of Authorship (in PDF format). The Affidavit of Authorship file must first be downloaded by the author here, to then be signed as proof of the affidavit agreement, converted to PDF and uploaded.
Editing Process
Any manuscript sent to the editors of the Communale Journal will be corrected by the chairman or member of the editors for assessment and determination of the initial eligibility of the manuscript and proceed to the editing process. In the event that the manuscript is deemed unfit to continue the editing process because it is not in accordance with the Journal Policy, Publication Ethics, and Writing Instructions, then the manuscript is returned to the author to be adjusted to the style of the author or resubmitted (rejected) the authorship rights. In the event that the manuscript is deemed fit to continue the editing process, the editor-in-chief or editor-in-chief will appoint an editing member in accordance with their scientific field to carry out the editing process so that it is more in line with the context style. After the editing process, the editor-in-chief or member of the editor forwards the manuscript by first removing the name of the author and its affiliation to a peer reviewer who is competent in their field, to be assessed for eligibility in terms of substance.
The results of the review of peer reviewers include:
- the manuscript is accepted;
- the manuscript was received with minor improvements;
- the manuscript was received with major improvement;
- the manuscript was rejected, accompanied by notes and reasons.
Based on the notes and assessments of the bestari partner, the editor-in-chief or editor-in-chief notifies the results of the review to the author by first removing the identity of the bestari partner, to be corrected or returned (in the event that it is judged inappropriate). After going through the process of editing by editors, review by peer review, and improvement by the author, the editor-in-chief decides whether or not the manuscript is worthy of publication.
All articles published on Communale Journal are free to access. Each partial or complete citation is required to include its references. Multiplying articles (print, photocopy, and digital sharing) by not changing the content and format of publications for academic or scientific purposes is allowed without having to go through the permission of the publisher; while propagation for commercial purposes must be through the written permission of the Chief Editor.
Alleged Research Violations
Research error means forgery, falsification, citation manipulation, or plagiarism in producing, conducting, or reviewing research and writing articles by the author, or in reporting research results. When an author is found to be involved in research violations or other serious irregularities involving articles that have been published in scientific journals, the Editor has the responsibility to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record.
In the case of alleged misconduct, the Editor and the Editorial Board will use COPE best practices to help them resolve complaints and handle violations fairly. This will include an investigation into the allegations by the Editor. Submitted manuscripts found to contain such errors will be rejected. In cases where a published article is found to contain such errors, a retraction may be published and will link to the original article.
The first step involves determining the validity of the allegations and assessing whether the allegations are consistent with the definition of research violations. This initial step also involves determining whether the individual alleging misconduct has a relevant conflict of interest.
If scientific errors or the presence of other substantial research lapses are a possibility, the allegations are shared with the appropriate authors, who, on behalf of all co-authors, are required to provide a detailed response. Once responses have been received and evaluated, additional reviews and the involvement of experts (such as statistical reviewers) can be obtained. For cases where there is no possibility of violation, clarification, additional analysis, or both, published as a letter to the editor, and often including notice of correction and correction on the published article is sufficient.
The agency is expected to conduct a proper and thorough investigation into alleged scientific misconduct. Ultimately, authors, journals, and institutions have an important obligation to ensure the accuracy of scientific records. By responding appropriately to concerns about scientific errors, and taking necessary actions based on the evaluation of these issues, such as correction, revocation by substitution, and revocation, the Communale Journal will continue to fulfill the responsibility to ensure the validity and integrity of the scientific record.
Publication Decisions
The Communale Journal is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published. Validation of the work in question and its importance to researchers and readers should always drive such decisions. Editors may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and limited by the legal requirements that will apply regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Editors can confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.
Complaints and Appeals
Communale Journal will have clear complaint handling procedures against journals, Editorial Staff, Editorial Board or Publishers. The complaint will be clarified to the respected person in relation to the complaint case. The scope of the complaint includes everything related to the journal's business process, namely the editorial process, manipulation of found citations, unfair editoring, manipulation of the editing process, etc. Complaint cases will be processed in accordance with COPE guidelines. Complaint cases should be emailed to:
Fair Play
Editors at all times evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content regardless of the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy.
Any editor and editorial staff must not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author in question, reviewer, prospective reviewer, other editorial advisors, and publishers, as appropriate