Communale Journal 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Comunnale Journal Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Communale Journal is an open-access journal focusing on natural resources and the environment using perspectives such as legal, economic, socio-cultural, political, defense and security, education, agriculture, forestry, Islamic law, and disaster. This journal is managed and published by the Center for Science and Technology (Pusat Unggulan IPTEKS)-PUI Universitas Jambi. Communale Journal is a medium to post articles or innovative research results for academics, scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners involved in the natural resource utilization field in Indonesia and Global Contexts. We are committed to conducting Scientific publications three times a year, namely in March, July, and November. The editorial team invites scholars (academics, scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners) to submit manuscripts to our journal website based on the journal policies, publication ethics, and copyright and writing guidelines that we have set. The editorial team will accept the manuscript and continue until the publication process only manuscripts that are by our policies, both in terms of writing and the substance of the manuscript. If we find any discrepancies in the manuscript in terms of writing style and substance, the editorial team will respectfully reject the manuscript before editing.</p> EFFECTIVENESS OF “AMDAL” IMPLEMENTATION IN PROTECTING ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE DUE TO INDUSTRIAL 2023-12-14T20:43:16+07:00 Dea Grace Novenna Tarigan <p>To prevent environmental damage due to industrial activities in Indonesia, AMDAL is an essential document to prepare. AMDAL has an instrument that aims to prevent environmental damage and prevent environmental damage (Law No.32 of 2009). In making and implementing AMDAL, we must pay attention to ecological sustainability so that we do not cause significant impacts that are harmful to current and future generations. This research aims to find and collect information coherently and comprehensively regarding the effectiveness of AMDAL implementation in preventing environmental damage due to industrial activities in Indonesia. This research uses a literature study method on activities that are organized systematically and scientifically using an interdisciplinary and even multidisciplinary approach to answer the effectiveness of AMDAL implementation in preventing environmental damage due to industrial activities in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the effective implementation of AMDAL activities is significant and must be implemented by all businesses, companies, and industries. AMDAL is one of the requirements in environmental permits to prevent ecological damage and pollution around the activities of these companies, businesses, and industries.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dea Grace Novenna Tarigan THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTES AND CONFLICTS IN INDONESIA 2023-12-15T00:07:47+07:00 M Yusuf <p>Climate change is a critical issue in Indonesia with significant environmental and societal consequences. This research explores the impact of climate change in the context of ecological disputes and conflicts in Indonesia. Involving multidimensional analysis, this study investigates how climate change exacerbates tensions between natural resource utilization and environmental conservation. The results show that rising temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, and rising sea levels significantly contribute to natural resource conflicts. A deeper understanding of these dynamics will enable the formulation of more effective policies to manage and prevent disputes while promoting environmental sustainability in the future. This study provides a local nuanced view of the global challenge of climate change and provides a basis for mitigation and adaptation efforts in Indonesia. This research investigates the impact of climate change on environmental disputes and conflicts in Indonesia. As a tropical country vulnerable to climate change, Indonesia faces severe challenges in balancing economic development and ecological conservation. The impacts of climate change, such as rising temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and rising sea levels, are triggering conflicts related to land, natural resources, and the rights of indigenous peoples. This research uses an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the complex relationship between climate change and environmental conflict, focusing on case studies in various regions of Indonesia. The results are expected to provide in-depth insights for public policy and sustainable mitigation actions to overcome the impacts of climate change and minimize the risk of environmental conflicts in the future.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Yusuf LEGAL PERSPECTIVE ON IMPLICATIONS OF THE 'WILLOW PROJECT' RATIFICATION 2023-12-14T20:42:59+07:00 Adinda Virzilia Dwi Puteri <p>Climate change is a crucial issue that has been questioned year after year, with the entire spectrum of society and countries worldwide trying to find alternatives to combat climate change. In this research, a literature review of journals, articles, and other publications relevant to the topic raised in the study was conducted. The literature review method is used to collect and analyze information from previous research related to The Willow Project, a massive-scale oil drilling project in Alaska by ConocoPhillips that is very controversial. Based on research references, due to the impact it will have, it can cause climate change four times faster amid a critical world because it is experiencing global boiling. Of course, this project needs to be stopped, and the law is the only tool that can be used by utilizing the existence of international environmental law as referred to the principle of international environmental law that a country in using and exploiting natural resources must not harm other countries. Not a few NGOs have succeeded in mobilizing the masses to boycott the project and file a lawsuit so that The Willow Project can be stopped</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adinda Virzilia Dwi Putri GOOD PRINCIPLES GOVERNANCE IN SETTLEMENT OF LAND POLLUTION DISPUTES: LEGAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS 2023-12-13T19:37:42+07:00 Siti Haryasih <p>This research aims to analyze the implementation of good principle governance in resolving land pollution disputes, both from juridical and sociological aspects. The research methods used are normative juridical and empirical juridical, with a qualitative approach. Primary data was obtained from in-depth interviews with parties involved in land pollution disputes in Bogor Regency, West Java, while secondary data was obtained from documents and literature studies. The research results show that the implementation of the principles is exemplary. Governance in resolving land pollution disputes is still not optimal because there are still several obstacles, such as inconsistencies between applicable laws and regulations, lack of participation and transparency from the parties, low capacity and accountability of law enforcement officials, and weak supervision and assessment from the community. Therefore, this research recommends several steps to improve the implementation of the excellent principle governance in resolving land pollution disputes, including harmonization and synchronization of related laws and regulations, strengthening mechanisms for participation and transparency of the parties, increasing the capacity and accountability of law enforcement officials, as well as empowering the role and function of the community in monitoring and assessment.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Haryasih LEGAL PROTECTION FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AGAINST THE IMPACT OF FOREST FIRES IN INDONESIA 2023-12-13T16:30:06+07:00 Choniyya Fanya Aliya <p>Forest fires in Indonesia have become a recurring issue, significantly affecting public health. This journal addresses the topic of legal protection for public health in Indonesia in the face of the consequences of forest fires. Beyond causing losses to ecosystems, forest fires in Indonesia pose a significant risk to public health. This paper aims to analyze the legal protection for public health against the impacts of forest fires in Indonesia. The methodology is normative legal research with a legislative and case law approach. The research results indicate that the legal protection for public health against the impacts of forest fires in Indonesia is still inadequate and needs improvement through enhanced regulations and more effective law enforcement. The study has analyzed the legal protection for public health against the impacts of forest fires in Indonesia. The findings show that existing regulations are still inadequate and need improvement to provide better protection for public health. Additionally, more effective law enforcement is required to prevent forest fires and reduce their impact on public health. Therefore, regulatory improvements and more effective law enforcement are necessary to enhance legal protection for public health against the effects of forest fires in Indonesia.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Choniyya Fanya Aliya LEGAL PROTECTION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE'S RIGHTS IN THE UTILIZATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2023-12-14T17:03:03+07:00 Ristiantika Prasetia <p>This journal thoroughly explores problems and potential solutions related to the legal protection of indigenous peoples' rights in using local natural resources in Indonesia by basing the analysis on a multidisciplinary perspective, which includes legal, cultural, and socio-economic impacts. The juridical-normative approach is used to evaluate the legal framework governing the rights of indigenous peoples, while the empirical approach involves concrete case studies to understand its practical implementation. The findings highlight the gap between existing legal provisions and the realities on the ground, identifying current challenges such as conflicts of interest, industrialization, and globalization. An in-depth analysis of possible solutions, including policy improvements and strengthening legal mechanisms, provides holistic insights into improving the protection of indigenous peoples' rights. It is hoped that this journal can be an essential contribution to the development of more inclusive and sustainable policies, as well as increase understanding of the urgency of legal protection of indigenous peoples' rights in the context of local natural resource utilization.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ristiantika Prasetia