Publication Ethics


This Publication Ethics is a statement of the code of ethics of all parties involved in the publication process of PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law, chairman and member of the editor, peer reviewer, and author of the article. These ethical guidelines are made for the publication of articles on PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law is conducted in an ethical (good and appropriate) manner and responsible, and complies with applicable legal norms. Based on the Regulation of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences No. 5 of 2014 on the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications, publication ethics essentially upholds three ethical values in publications, namely:

  1. Neutrality, which is free from conflicts of interest in the management of publications;
  2. Justice, which is to give the right of authorship to the entitled as an author; and
  3. Honesty is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in publications.

All parties involved in the publication process of PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law should believe the ethics of this publication in accordance with their respective roles. PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards for all parties involved in the act of publishing in a peer-reviewed journal: the author, the editor of the journal, the peer reviewer and the publisher PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law publishing ethics, both internally and externally and we state the following principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement based on Committe of Publication Ethics (COPE) standard. All articles not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication at any time even after the publication. In accordance with the code of conduct we will report any cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing to the relevant authorities. The Journal reserves the right to use plagiarism-detecting software to screen submitted papers at all times. 



  1. Authors sends an original script, not a plagiarized.
  2. Authors must maintain the truth, benefits, and meaning of the information conveyed through the submitted manuscript so as not to mislead.
  3. Authors must uphold the rights, opinions or findings of others. Therefore, the referral or expression of the rights, opinions or findings of others relating to the manuscript of the article made needs to be done and must mention the source of the information.
  4. Authors must be fully aware not to commit scientific violations, be it fabrication (creating fictitious data), falsification (altering data as desired), and plagiarism (taking other people's words or sentences or texts without providing reference to citations) including self-plagiarism (duplicating the publication of the work itself or taking part of the work itself that has been published without giving reference to the citation).
  5. Authors must convey the information in the manuscript using standard language methods.
  6. Authors must ensure the names of people who are associated as writers in the event that the author is more than one of the people who have contributed to the writing of the screen.
  7. Authors should pay attention to the journal's policies and the ethics of this publication, as well as follow the writing guidelines of PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law.
  8. Authors does not include the manuscript sent to PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law to other publication media, except after the decision of the manuscript is returned to the author.
  9. Authors are collectively responsible for their articles. Therefore, authors should examine the submitted manuscript carefully at each stage and its parts to ensure methods, analyses, and findings are accurately reported.
  10. Authors corrects the manuscript of the article in accordance with the advice of peer reviewer and editors.
  11. Authors should notify the editor immediately if they find any errors in the submitted, received or published manuscript.



  1. The Editor-in-Chief must process the incoming manuscript and inform the author of the correspondence the ongoing stages.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief assesses the initial feasibility of the manuscript to continue or not the editing process based on journal policy, publication ethics, and writing instructions for PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law.
  3. The Editor-in-Chief distributes editing to members of the editing board taking into account the scientific field and performance load.
  4. The Editor-in-Chief selects, assigns, and appoints members of peer reviewer based on their expertise.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief decides the feasibility of publication of the manuscript based on the records of peer reviewer.
  6. The Editor-in-Chief should avoid conflicts of interest in processing the manuscript of the article due to gender identity, ethnicity, religion, race, and class.
  7. The Editor-in-Chief ensures the confidentiality of the manuscript of the article at the time of editing except for academic or scientific purposes and does not abuse it for personal gain.
  8. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the publication process of PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law



  1. Peer reviewer partners examine the manuscript of the article and comment on its contents based on journal policy, publication ethics, and writing instructions for PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law.
  2. Peer reviewer partners assess the possible feasibility of publication of the manuscript of the article examined (accepted, received with minor revisions, received with major revisions, or rejected) based on journal policy, publication ethics, and writing instructions PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law.
  3. Peer reviewer partners should avoid conflicts of interest in examining and assessing the manuscript of the article due to gender, ethnicity, religion, race, and class identity.
  4. Peer reviewer partners ensure the confidentiality of the manuscript of the article at the time of authorship except for academic or scientific purposes, and does not misuse it for personal gain.