Widuri Dalam Berita Koran Belanda Akhir Abad XIX

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Afiliasi Ilafi
Larasaty Larasaty


Pemalang is one of the regencies in the province of Central Java, which is strategically located between the sea and the hills so that Pemalang has various potentials in the form of both marine products and tourism potentials in Pemalang. One of the sub-districts in Pemalang that has a relationship with the continuity of the Pemalang government is Widuri. This research is a simple research with historical method as a tool for analysis. Data and data sources were obtained from scientific papers, newspapers, electronic media and interviews. The results of the study stated that newspapers have an important role



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How to Cite
Ilafi, A., & Larasaty, D. P. . (2023). Widuri Dalam Berita Koran Belanda Akhir Abad XIX. Jurnal Siginjai, 3(2), 156-176. https://doi.org/10.22437/js.v3i2.25360