Gait KH. Abu Dardiri (1895-1967) in the Development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas area Development of Muhammadiyah in Banyumas Regency, Life History of KH. Abu Dardiri, Gait KH. Abu Dardiri in the Development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas Region

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Bimba Valid Fathony


This study aims to explain related to the Gait of KH. Abu Dardiri in the Development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas Region. The method used in studying the topics raised is the historical method based on heuristic stages, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. In this article, the first point describes the development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas area, which consists of its initial establishment which lasted until 1940 and post-independence developments. In the next point explaining about KH. Abu Dardiri where he is a very influential figure in the history of the development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas area. He was Muhammadiyah consul for the Banyumas area before serving as Muhammadiyah consul he served as chairman of the Purbalingga branch of Muhammadiyah. Many of his actions have been felt to this day with various legacies and charitable efforts which are currently growing rapidly.


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How to Cite
Valid Fathony, B. (2023). Gait KH. Abu Dardiri (1895-1967) in the Development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas area: Development of Muhammadiyah in Banyumas Regency, Life History of KH. Abu Dardiri, Gait KH. Abu Dardiri in the Development of Muhammadiyah in the Banyumas Region. Jurnal Siginjai, 3(1), 20-38.