

Background: Appropriate and rapid diagnosis and management through clinical presentation and laboratory results of pneumonia patients can reduce morbidity and mortality.

Research Objectives: This study aims to determine the clinical and laboratory features in pneumonia patients.

Research Methods: Research is descriptive, including clinical and laboratory symptoms

Results: Of the 22 ICU pneumonia patients consisting of 9 patients VAP (40.90%), 8 patients HAP (36.36%) and CAP 5 patients (22.73%). With 9 patients (40.90%) neurological cases, 5 patients (22.73%) internal medicine cases, 6 patients (27.27%) neurosurgery cases and 2 patients (9.09%) digestive surgery cases. The highest number of deaths was 13 patients (59.09%), while moving to HCU 5 patients (22.72%), moved in 3 patients (13.63%) and went home at the request of one patient (4,54 %). Awareness at the time of ICU coma in 2 patients (9.09%), sopor 5 patients (22.72%), somnolence 11 patients (50%), apathy 2 patients (9.09%) and compos mentis 2 patients (9, 09%). Diastolic blood pressure 59-119 mmHg and systolic 87-218 mmHg. The pulse is 72-142 times / minute, the temperature is 36.1-39.9oC. Laboratory results: the number of leukocytes 5.12-31.03 cells / µL, hemoglobin 2.5-15.9 g / dL, the number of erythrocytes 0.71-5.47 cells / µL, hematocrit 7.30-46.30% and platelet counts 94-666 cells / µL. Uterum kidney function 10-215 mg / dl and Creatinine 0.6-13.7 mg / dl

Conclusions: Pneumonia patients were mostly VAP and HAP in 17 patients (77.27%). The highest number died in 13 patients (59.09%). Awareness at the time of admission was highest for 11 patients (50%). Low-high diastolic tension and normal-high systolic. Normal-fast pulse, normal-high temperature. Laboratory results: normal-high leukocyte count, hemoglobin, erythrocyte count, low-normal hematocrit and low-high platelet count. The function of the kidney ureum and creatinine is normal. We suggest rapid diagnosis of pneumonia treated in the ICU by comparison of the data above with the results of research describing clinical symptoms and local laboratory results

Keywords: clinical picture, laboratory, CAP, HAP, VAP



Latar Belakang: Diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat dan cepat melalui gambaran klinis dan hasil laboratorium pasien pneumonia dapat mengurangi angka kesakitan dan kematian..

Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran klinis dan laboratorium pada pasien pneumonia.

Metode Penelitian: Penelitian bersifat deskriptif, meliputi gejala klinik dan laboratorium.

Hasil Penelitian: Dari 22 pasien pneumonia ICU terdiri dari VAP 9 pasien (40,90%), HAP 8 pasien (36,36%) dan CAP 5 pasien (22,73%). Dengan penyakit dasar 9 pasien (40,90%) kasus neurologi, 5 pasien (22,73%) kasus penyakit dalam, 6 pasien (27,27%) kasus bedah saraf dan 2 pasien (9,09%)  kasus bedah digestif.   Luaran yang ada terbanyak meninggal 13 pasien (59,09%), sedangkan pindah ke HCU 5 pasien (22,72%), pindah ruang rawat inap 3 pasien (13,63%) dan pulang atas permintaan sendiri 1 pasien (4,54%). Kesadaran pada waktu masuk ICU koma 2 pasien (9,09%), sopor  5 pasien (22,72%), somnolens 11 pasien (50%), apatis 2 pasien (9,09%) dan compos mentis 2 pasien (9,09%). Tensi diastolik 59-119 mmHg dan sistolik 87-218 mmHg. Nadi 72-142 kali/ menit, suhu 36,1-39,9oC. Hasil laboratorium :  jumlah lekosit 5,12-31,03 sel/µL, hemoglobin 2,5-15,9 g/dL , jumlah eritrosit 0,71-5,47 sel/µL, hematokrit 7,30-46,30% dan jumlah trombosit 94-666 sel/µL. Fungsi ginjal ureum 10-215 mg/dl dan Creatinine 0,6-13,7 mg/dl.

Kesimpulan: Pasien pneumonia sebagian besar VAP dan HAP 17 pasien (77,27%). Luaran terbanyak meninggal 13 pasien (59,09%). Kesadaran pada waktu masuk terbanyak somnolens 11 pasien (50%).  Tensi diastolic rendah-tinggi dan sistolik normal-tinggi. Nadi normal-cepat, suhu normal-tinggi. Hasil laboratorium:  jumlah lekosit normal-tinggi, hemoglobin, jumlah eritrosit, hematokrit rendah-normal dan jumlah trombosit rendah-tinggi. Fungsi ginjal ureum dan Creatinine normal-tinggi. Diagnosa cepat pneumonia yang dirawat di ICU dengan perbandingan data diatas hasil penelitian deskripsi gejala klinik dan hasil laboratorium setempat.

Kata kunci : gambaran klinis, laboratorium, CAP, HAP, VAP



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How to Cite

GAMBARAN KLINIS DAN LABORATORIUM PADA PASIEN PNEUMONIA DI ICU RSUD RADEN MATTAHER JAMBI . (2021). Jambi Medical Journal : Jurnal Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan, 7(2), 238–244.