
  • Evi . J Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Siska Oktaviyani
  • Mahjur Mahjur
  • Fitri Afriani



Bone scaffolding is an alternative solution developed to assist the bone therapy process. One of the materials with good biocompatibility and can be applied as a scaffold is hydroxyapatite (HAp). The development of HAp/silica composites aims to improve various characteristics of pure HAp-based scaffolding. In this article, a narrative review is conducted regarding the use of cockle shells as a source of calcium in the synthesis of HAp and tin tailings sand as a silica source. Various HAp synthesis and silica purification methods were compared to obtain the optimal HAp/silica composites method. Furthermore, this article also describes the potential use of 3D-printing technology in scaffolding fabrication. It is because 3D-printing technology has a promising prospect for producing scaffolding with complex structures precisely, efficiently, and quickly to meet patient needs. Also, we explained the challenges of applying 3D-printing technology to provide input for related research in the future.


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