Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Pertambangan Batubara di PT. Gea Lestari Kec. Mestong Kab. Muaro Jambi Melalui Program Pengembangan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
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This research aims to find out and analyze how the social responsibility of the coal mining company PT. Gea Lestari in Kec. Mestong District Muaro Jambi through a community empowerment development program as well as the obstacles faced in coal mining companies through a community empowerment development program case study PT. Gea Lestari District. Mestong, Muaro District, Jamb. The research method used is yulridis elmpiris, namely the research method of hulkulm which has the ultimate function of being able to see hulkulm in a real sense as well as researching how hulkulm works within the research community which is carried out directly in the research community. The results of the analysis show that work energy utilization in PT. Gela Lelstari, namely coal mining operations, is still being carried out to the maximum, because PT. Gela Lelstari only employs 2 (two) workers. Melnulrult Kelpala delsa employee recruitment carried out by the selrulshamat local government should prioritize local workers and local communities who will be placed based on their respective levels of education, abilities and skills. And this began with an agreement at the beginning of the socialization for the opening of the coal mining area in question. The implementation of CSR in Indonesia is very dependent on the chief executive officer (CEO). This means that CSR policies are not automatically in line with the company's vision and mission. The commitment of the board of commissioners is to implement CSR as a corporate obligation that will become an internalized value, by considering social and environmental impacts in the strategy, which are no less important are the UU and internal regulations.
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