Penggunaan Urea sebagai Sumber Nitrogen pada Proses Biodegradasi Substrat Lumpur Sawit oleh Jamur Phanerochaete chrysosporium
The research was conducted to study the biodegradation capability on palm oil sludge substrate byPhanerochaete chrysosporium  with increasing urea as nitrogen source. The experiment was designed
using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications, namely : U-0 = 0,0
% Urea,   U-1=     0,5 % Urea,   U-2 = 1,0 % Urea,   U-3 = 1,5 % Urea and U-4 = 2,0 % Urea. The
observed variables were the amount of spore, C/N ratio, pH, crude fiber, crude protein, lignin, cellulose
and enzyme activities. The result of this study showed that added urea were significantly (P<0.01) crude
fiber, crude protein, lignin, cellulose and enzyme activities. The use of urea on the first level amounting
to 1.5 % in palm oil sludge can help Phanerochaete chrysosporium  to reduce crude fiber to (30,71%), Â
lignin (29.89 %), cellulose (36.42 %) and it can increase the content of crude protein   to   (34.50 %),
reduction sugar and enzyme activities.
Data unduhan belum tersedia.
2008-11-01 — Diperbaharui pada 2008-11-01
- 2008-11-01 (1)
- 2008-11-01 (1)
Cara Mengutip
Noferdiman, N., Rizal, Y., Mirzah, M., Heryandi, Y., & Marlida, Y. (2008). Penggunaan Urea sebagai Sumber Nitrogen pada Proses Biodegradasi Substrat Lumpur Sawit oleh Jamur Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 11(4), 75-82.
Research Report