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  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
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Author Guidelines

Berikut Panduan bagi Penulis 



Penulis Pertama1, Penulis Kedua2, Penulis Ketiga2, Penulis Keempat3

1Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jambi

2Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jambi

3Program Studi Epidemiologi Universitas Indonesia

 Email corresponding author



Latar Belakang….. Tujuan….. Metode….Hasil…..

Kata Kunci: Deteksi dini, IVA…..




  1. WHO. Infant Mortality [Internet]. 2015. Available from:
  2. Wallerstein C. Philippines colour-code family planning. Lancet. 1999;354(14 August):579.
  3. Awang H. Determinants of waiting time to third pregnancy using censored linear regression. J Biosoc Sci [Internet]. 2003;35(1):59–70. Available from:
  4. Kabano IH, Broekhuis A, Hooimeijer P. The Effect of Pregnancy Spacing On Fetal Survival and Neonatal Mortality in Rwanda : A Heckman Selection Analysis. 2016;358–73.
  5. Katz J, West KP, Khatry SK, Christian P, LeClerq SC, Pradhan EK, et al. Risk factors for early infant mortality in Sarlahi district, Nepal. Bull World Health Organ. 2003;81(10):717–25.

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