Peer Review Process

Peer review ensures that the Journal of Business Studies and Management Review (JBSMR) publishes good science that benefits the entire scientific community. Paper submitted to JBSMR  is subjected to strict plagiarism checks through our double-check process involving software and manual checking. Once the article passes through this step, it is subjected to editorial review for scope, relevance, and other standard requirements. 

The editorial office initially reviews all submissions to the journal. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected directly by the editors if deemed to be beyond the journal's scope or scientifically or linguistically substandard.

Manuscripts that have successfully gone through the screening stage are then sent out for review electronically, and all correspondence takes place via e-mail and the online journal management system.

The Journal of Business Studies and Management Review (JBSMR) uses anonymous peer review, which means that the reviewers conceal both the reviewer's and author's identities, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

Peer reviewers will have the following possible options for each article:

  • Accept manuscript: published as is
  • Accept after minor revision: acceptance is contingent upon minor revisions.
  • Reconsider after Major revision: the manuscript needs substantial revisions and another round of review.
  • Reject manuscript: the manuscript is substandard.

The final decision to accept or reject the paper and the recommendation to the author(s) rests with the individual editor responsible for evaluating the paper.