Manuscript Template
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): Tekno-Pedagogi
This issue has been available online since 18th April 2018 for the regular issue of April 2018. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 15 authors from 4 affiliations in Indonesia.
Improving Students' Ability to Understand Redox Reactions Using Jigsaw Techniques
The Role of Teachers in Developing Nationalist Attitudes in Class V Elementary School Students
Static Electricity Material E-Module Based on a Scientific Approach Using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Software
Development of Teaching Materials for Writing Recount Text for Middle School Students
Development of Scientific Based Interactive Learning Media With Lectora Inspire Substance Pressure Material
The Effect of Using Learning Video Media and Motivation on Elementary School Students' Social Sciences Learning Outcomes
Development of Basic Physics E-Module I Particle Dynamics Material Based on Kvisoft Flipbook Maker
Development of Project Based-Learning English Learning Materials for High School Students