Kewenangan Peradilan Internasional dalam Penanganan Kasus Pengusiran atau Pemindahan Secara Paksa Terhadap Stateless Person (Studi Kasus Etnis Rohingya di Myanmar)

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Pretty Sianturi


This research aims to provide an analysis of the overlapping between the authority of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the authority of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in handling cases of gross human rights violations in the international sphere, especially in the case of crimes against humanity of stateless persons of Rohingya ethnicity in Myanmar. This research aims to identify the authority of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as the main organ of the United Nations authorised in international cases. This research also uses juridical-normative research with a statutory approach, conceptual approach, and comparative conceptual approach. Based on this research, there has not been an effective handling of this case since 2012 until now, causes the Rohingya Ethnicity to still be a group of statelessness. Therefore, there is a need for an effective handling by the authorised institution of this case to provide the rights of the Rohingya Ethnic that have long been neglected.




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How to Cite
Sianturi, P. (2024). Kewenangan Peradilan Internasional dalam Penanganan Kasus Pengusiran atau Pemindahan Secara Paksa Terhadap Stateless Person (Studi Kasus Etnis Rohingya di Myanmar) . UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(2), 129-152. Retrieved from