Students' ‘Looking Back’ in Solving Algebraic Word Problems
algebra word problem, looking back, mathematical problem, problem-solvingAbstract
Solving mathematics problems is a complex cognitive process that involves a series of steps. These steps typically include understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back (checking the solution). While each of these steps is crucial, the ‘looking back’ step has not received much attention in mathematics education research. This study investigated Grade 10 mathematics students’ looking back in solving algebraic word problems in Namibia. The study followed a qualitative approach. The sample of the study was 351 Grade 10 students from ten secondary schools in the Ohangwena Region in Namibia. Data was collected using the Algebra Word problem-solving Achievement Test and Interview. The results show that, in general, the students did not look back on their solutions to the algebraic word problem. While some students indicated that looking back necessitates the consolidation of their work, others said looking back on their solutions could be time-wasting and confusing. These findings point to the need for mathematics teachers in Namibia to incorporate and model the looking-back step of mathematical problem-solving in their mathematics teaching.
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