Improving Students' Ability in Solving Mathematics Problems by Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Learning


  • jackson Pasini mairing Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Maulida Rezeki SMPN 13 Palangka Raya
  • Henry Aritonang Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Elyasib Yunas Lada Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Langkis Langkis SMPN 13 Palangka Raya



class action research, learning videos, mathematics problems, student worksheets


Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced various obstacles, especially on quotas, internet signals, and unsatisfactory learning outcomes. This research was aimed to improve the ability of 7th grade junior high school students in solving mathematics problems through asynchronous and synchronous approaches using learning videos, student worksheets and mathematics problems. This research was classified as class action research. The research subjects were 14 of 7th grade students from a public junior high school located on the suburb of Palangka Raya city, Central Kalimantan in the 2021/2022 academic year. The research was carried out in two cycles where the stages of each cycle were planning, implementating, observing and reflecting. The research instruments were lesson plans, mathematics problems, student worksheets, videos, pre- quizzes and end-of-cycle tests. The results of first cycle showed that average of the students' score was 7,1 (scale of 0-16) which 5 of 14 students (35,7%) sgot score at least 2 (scale of 0-4) in each problem. At second cycle, average of the students' score was 10.4 and all students got score at least 2 in each problem. Thus, the online learning in this research was able to improve students' ability to solve mathematics problems.


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How to Cite

mairing, jackson P., Rezeki, M., Aritonang, H., Lada, E. Y., & Langkis, L. (2021). Improving Students’ Ability in Solving Mathematics Problems by Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Learning. Edumatica : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 11(3), 132–142.