Author Guideline

The manuscript texts are written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Manuscripts will be first reviewed by editorial boards. The main text of a manuscript must be requirements are few: Use MS Word, typed in papers A4 (Width: 21 cm, Height: 29.7 cm), Margin (Top: 2.39 cm, left: 2.39 cm, Botton: 2.39 cm, Right: 2.39 cm), Times New Roman 11 pt;

Use in English and Bahasa Indonesia as the language; Indent or space between all paragraphs; Articles must be following the surrounding style and journal template. The manuscript should be arranged in the following order (begin new sections on new pages). A submitted manuscript accepted for publication or published elsewhere is unacceptable and will not be published in Jambi Medical Journal: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan. Manuscript sent to Jambi Medical Journal: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan must be free from plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

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The title of the article is written in capital letters in the middle with a size of 14 pts, a maximum of 12 words in English.


The name of the author of the article is listed without an academic degree and following by the name and address of the institution of origin below the title. If the manuscript is written by a team, all authors' names must be listed, maximum of 5 people, if more, write et al or et all. The first name is the name of the main author and must include a correspondence or e-mail address.


Abstract and keywords maximum length of the abstract is 200 words, while the keywords are 3-5 words or a combination of words. Abstract is written with 1.5 spacing size 10 pts. Abstracts are written without subtitles and at a minimum contain the title of the article, the aims, methods, result and conclusion. 


The contents of the article/script are written in Arial font size 11 pts, spaced 1.5 (double), display 1 and 2 columns with upper, lower, right and left borders of 2.54 (normal margins). Manuscripts are written at least 7 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.

In the systematics of writing subtitles, subtitles must be included. Manuscripts of research results are written in Title format; name and address of the author's institution; abstract and keywords, introduction; method; results and Discussion; Conclusion; as well as references.

The systematics of writing the manuscript of the reviewed article is written in the Title format; name and address of the author's institution; abstract and keywords, introduction; and discussion; conclusion; as well as a list of references

Systematic writing of case reports written in Title format; name and address of the author's institution; introduction; case reports; discussion; Conclusion; as well as a list of references.


The introduction section contains the background of the research, research context, literature review, and research objectives. The introduction is written without subtitles and is presented in the form of paragraphs, with a length of 15-20% of the total length of the article.


The methods section contains the research design, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis with a length of 10-15% of the length of the article. Research articles and case reports must have a statement that passes an ethical review.


The research results section contains an analysis of the results found in the research. Each research result should be discussed. The discussion contains an explanation of the results of the research as well as a comparison with the theory in the literature review or the results of similar research. The results of the research and discussion are written up 40-60% of the length of the article. If you write a table or figure, it must include a short title above the table and an explanation below the table in the form of footnotes regarding non-standard abbreviations contained in the table. Tables are written in size 10 with double spacing.


The conclusion section contains the essence of the results of the discussion and is presented in paragraph form.


The list of references only contains sources that are used as references, and all reference sources must be listed in the list of references. Reference sources must be published in the last 5 years and 60% come from research articles in scientific journals or research reports that have been published (including theses, theses, dissertations). The reference list is written in size 9 and spaced 1.5, italic world.

Reference and citation using the Vancouver Superscript system (using numbers)