Keywords: TuberculosisAbstract
Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (pulmonary TB) is an infectious disease, which primarily affects the lung
parenchyma. The name Tuberculosis comes from a tubercle which means a small, hard bulge that forms when the
immune system builds a wall around the bacteria in the lungs. Pulmonary tuberculosis is chronic and is
characterized by the formation of granulomas and causes tissue necrosis. Pulmonary TB can be transmitted through
the air, when someone with active TB in the lungs coughs, sneezes or talks.
Method: This final project was made based on data found in the puskesmas. After the data collection process is
complete, the data is processed using SPSS and analyzed using the problem-solving cycle method. The cycle
starts from identifying problems with brainstorming, after collecting several problems that exist in the low
achievement of monitoring toddler growth at the Kebun Handil Health Center, then these problems are confirmed
with primary or secondary data.
Conclusion: Priority issues related to the description of the TB Implementation Program are still lacking, namely
the achievement of the TB case detection target in 2022 has not been achieved, namely only 23.8%. The cause
of the dominant problem is that people's knowledge about TB is still low. The chosen problem solution is Retraining
for the active participation of all health center staff outside and inside the building related to counseling and
education about TB to all Kebon Handil people. The lack of public knowledge apart from oneself is also determined
by the information received, increasing human resources is one of the ways chosen to improve this condition.
Keywords: Tuberculosis
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