Advanced Technical Solutions, Modern Technologies, Optimization of the Teaching Process, Remote Assessment, Systematic LearningAbstract
The relevance of this study is underscored by the significant shifts in traditional methods of teaching software disciplines in the post-COVID era. The widespread adoption of remote learning and integrating innovative technologies have necessitated re-evaluating educational practices. This study aims to explore the impact of modern innovative technologies on the effectiveness of education and the quality of learning in the post-COVID period. The primary method employed in this study was a survey, through which questions related to the use of drones and virtual reality (VR) technologies in the educational process were posed to students and educators. The results obtained during this study indicate a high level of acceptance by modern students and their educators of the role of drones and VR technologies in the educational environment of contemporary educational institutions. Participants in the surveys positively assessed the transformation trends of innovative technologies in the educational environment, which applies to almost all groups of students and educators without exception, regardless of their specialties. Respondents highlighted multiple positive effects of integrating drones and VR technologies into the educational space of educational institutions, including a high level of comfort when using these technical devices, improvement in the perception of educational material, and enhancement of the quality of mastering software disciplines. Both educators and students positively view the emerging prospects of practical use of drones and VR technologies in educational institutions' educational space, particularly in the post-COVID period and beyond.
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