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Analisis Mikrotremor berdasarkan Metode Horizontal To Vertical Spectral Ratio untuk Mengetahui Indeks Kerentanan Seismik Kota Jambi.



A Researched of microtremor analysis has been carried out based on the HVSR method (Horizontal to Vertical Ratio) to find out the seismic vulnerability index (Kg) in Jambi City. The purpose of this research was to determine and obtain earthquake prone zone maps based on seismic vulnerability index (Kg) in Jambi City. The collection of microtremor data is 50 research points spread in Jambi City. Processing data is carried out using the HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectra Ratio) method to obtain the H / V. This curve represents the value of the dominant frequency (f0) and amplification factor (A0). The value of the dominant frequency ((f0) is in the range 1.04 - 4.35 Hz. While the amplification factor value (A0) is in the range 1.13 - 4.88. Based on value of the dominant frequency (f0) and amplification factor (A0) obtained seismic vulnerability index (Kg) in Jambi City, the value is is the range 0.51 - 20.18. The distribution of the seismic vulnerability index value (Kg) showed a relative correlation following the pattern of the Jambi City geological. Areas with a seismic coverage index (Kg) that are relatively high in alluvial deposits that depend on the northern part of Jambi City include the Danau Teluk, Jambi Timur, and the northern part of Telanaipura sub-district.

Keywords:     Microtremor,    HVSR,     Dominant    Frequency,    Amplification    Factor,     Seismic Vurnerability Index.




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How to Cite

Analisis Mikrotremor berdasarkan Metode Horizontal To Vertical Spectral Ratio untuk Mengetahui Indeks Kerentanan Seismik Kota Jambi. (2020). JTK (Jurnal Teknik Kebumian), 5(2), 1–6.