The Influence of Marketing Mix on Consumer Behavior on Vegetable Purchases at Jumbo Mart Delima Modern Market in Handsome Sub-District of Pekanbaru City


  • Yeni Kusumawaty Lecturer of Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau
  • Eliza Eliza Student of Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau



Marketing Mix, Consumer Behavior, Modern Market



Modern markets are those that are managed in a more modern manner. Modern market management necessitates
a competent marketing mix in order to disseminate information, offer goods and services, encourage consumers to buy,
and even establish personal preferences for a product's image. Tampan District contains 140 modern marketplaces,
including the Modern Jumbo Mart Delima market, which sells a variety of community needs, including the most
comprehensive sort of vegetables. The study objectives are as follows: 1) Understanding consumer perceptions
of the marketing mix 2) Examining the impact of the marketing mix of product, price, location, service,
and promotion on consumer behavior. This study was conducted at the Jumbo Mart Delima Modern Market in Pekanbaru City's Tampan District
Purposive sampling was used to identify respondents, with the criterion that customers be 17 years old and have shopped at least twice.
In this study, descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to analyze the data.
According to the findings of this study, product, price, location, and service all have a substantial impact on consumer behavior,
while service has no impact.


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How to Cite

KHASANAH, U. ., Kusumawaty, Y. ., & Eliza, E. (2024). The Influence of Marketing Mix on Consumer Behavior on Vegetable Purchases at Jumbo Mart Delima Modern Market in Handsome Sub-District of Pekanbaru City. Jurnal Ilmiah Sosio-Ekonomika Bisnis, 26(01), 33-39.