About the Journal
Title: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosio-Ekonomika Bisnis
ISSN: P-ISSN: 1412-8241 and E-ISSN: 2621-1246
Subject: Social, Economic, and Policy of Agriculture in general, etc
Frequency Publish: Regularly two times a year in June and December.
Journal Abbreviation: J. ilm. sosio-ekon. bisnis
Language: Indonesia and English
Indexed at: Dimension, Google Scholar, Garuda, BASE, Open AIRE, OneSearch, ROAD, and Sinta 5
OAI:Â https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JSEB/oai
Jurnal Ilmiah Sosio-Ekonomika Bisnis is a scientific journal that publishes various original research articles and reviews (by invitation) about the socio-economy in agriculture, including agribusiness and food information and regulation. This journal is an official publication of the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Jambi Agricultural University Indonesia, published since 2010. It is published regularly 2 times a year (in June and December). Jurnal Ilmiah Sosio-Ekonomika Bisnis was accredited in 2018 and will remain so for five years.