Pengaruh Pemberian Kulit Ari Biji Kedelai Hasil Fermentasi dengan Aspergillus niger dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Karkas Ayam Pedaging


  • Nelwida Nelwida



The  study  was  conducted  to  determine  the  effect  of  feeding  fermented  epidermis  of  soybean  sedd
with Aspergillus niger as substitution of maize and soybean meal in the ration on carcass weight of broiler .
The study was carried out in Laboratory of Feed Science to analyze the nutrient content of feedstuffs and in
the Cages under Laboratory of Poulty Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Jambi for feeding
trial.  The  experiment  was  designed  to  Completely  Randomized  Design  (CRD)  with  5  treatments  and  4
replications. Feeding trial used 100 DOC starins MB-202 P fed basal ration with different level of fermented
epidermis  of  soybean  seed  with Aspergillus  niger as  treatment.  The  treatments  were  R0  (basal  ration
without fermented epidermis of soybean seed with Aspergillus niger ), R1 (basal ration containing 10 % of
fermented epidermis of soybean seed with Aspergillus niger), R2 (basal ration containing 20 % of fermented
epidermis  soybean  seed  with Aspergillus  niger),  R3  (basal  ration  containing  30  %  of fermented  epidermis
soybean seed with Aspergillus niger) and R4 (basal ration containing 40 % of fermented epidermis soybean
seed with Aspergillus niger). Parameters measured were feed consumption, body weight and carcass weight.
Result  of  this  study  showed  that  substitution of maize    and  soybean  meal  with  fermented  epidermis  of
soybean seed using Aspergillus niger significantly (P<0,05) influenced feed consumption, body weight and
absolute carcass weight but no significantlt (P>0,05) on percentage carcass weight of broiler. It is concluded that fermented epidermis of soybean seed with Aspergillus niger could be mixed in to the ration up to 40 %
to substitute maize and soybean meal and it was not negative influenced on carcass weight of broiler. 


Data unduhan belum tersedia.



2011-05-01 — Diperbaharui pada 2011-05-01


Cara Mengutip

Nelwida, N. (2011). Pengaruh Pemberian Kulit Ari Biji Kedelai Hasil Fermentasi dengan Aspergillus niger dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Karkas Ayam Pedaging. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 14(1), 23-29.



Research Report

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