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Pendapatan Usaha Pemeliharaan Sapi Bali di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi



This  research  aims  to  find  out  the  income  and the Return Cost  Ratio  (R/C)  maintenance  of  Bali
cattle business in Muaro Jambi Regency. This research used survey methods. Object  of research is the  Bali
cattle  ranchers  PMUK  Program  Tunas  Jaya  farmer  groups  in  the  Village  of  Kebun  IX,   Muaro  Jambi.
Respondents  of  this  research  of  11  Bali  cattle  ranchers  who  obtained  the  census.   The  analysis  used  is
deskriptive analysis. To find out the income and Return Cost Ratio of the Bali cattle maintenance effort using
the analysis of income (Rahim, 2007). Outpouring of work hours that are used in beef cattle raising activities
then used  his standard working hours (JKP) according to Siregar (1996). While the cost  of cages and their
equipments  with depreciation  calculation.  Results  showed,  that  the  maintenance  of  Bali  cattle  from  11
respondents (100%) is still a side business, and includes a category of patterns of family farming, with cattle
ownership on average 5.61 ST / breeder. In maintaining cattle ranchers are still in the average age of 43.64
years (29-65) years including labor that is still produktiv age. Based on research results that the maintenance
effort of Bali  cattle in Farmers Branch, Jaya can earn  positive income ie the average  of Rp. 4,950,953.65, -
/year/farmer or an average of Rp. 412.579,47.-/ year/farmer.-. While the comparison (ratio) between revenue
and expenses (Return Cost Ratio (R / C)) the income of Rp. 272,302,450, -/periode with expenditure (cost)  maintenance of Rp. 218,751,550, -/periode is the ratio of 1.24. This gives the sense that every capital of Rp
100, - it will generate income of  Rp 124, -


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Cara Mengutip

Pendapatan Usaha Pemeliharaan Sapi Bali di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. (2011). Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 14(1), 14-22.



Research Report