The Impact of Globalization on Social Development and Culture of Primary School Students
Globalization, Socio-cultural development, Elementary schoolAbstract
This research examines the impact of globalization on the social and
cultural development of students at UPT SPF SDN 101990 Bangun
Purba. This research uses a qualitative approach with in-depth
interview methods, participant observation, and documentation
analysis. This research aims to describe the impact of globalization,
identify cultural changes, analyze student adaptation, and provide
recommendations for educators and policy makers. The research
results show that globalization has had a positive impact in the form of
increasing access to knowledge through technology, developing social
skills, cultural enrichment, and increasing environmental and social
awareness. Students demonstrate better communication skills,
participation in collaborative activities, and a tolerant attitude towards
cultural diversity. This research supports constructivism theory and
intercultural contact theory, provides important insights for managing
the influence of globalization in elementary schools, and becomes a
reference for educational strategies that are responsive to
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