Principal’s Strategy in Building Effective Schools at SMA Negeri 5 Jambi City
DOI: Kunci:
Keywords, Building, Effective, Principal’s, School, StrategyAbstrak
Effective schools demonstrate high standards of achievement in both academic and non-academic terms and have a culture that prioritizes achieving set goals. School principals are faced with a variety of complex and varied problems, including problems related to resource management, availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, quality of teaching, relevant curriculum, student motivation, and relationships with parents and the community. Overcoming these problems requires sustained efforts and close collaboration between all relevant parties to create an effective learning environment and ensure student success. so this research aims to find out the principal's strategy for building an effective school. This research was carried out at SMA Negeri 5, Jambi City. The design of this research is a qualitative case study. The collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The result is that an effective school is one that is able to change input (students) into output (graduates) according to the expected criteria through an efficient process (achieving maximum results with minimum costs). In this way, the principal's strategy for building an effective school involves several important aspects.