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Analysis of Student Ability in Solving the Mathematical Problems in terms of Mathematical Attitudes and Gender in Ruteng


  • Apolonia Hendrice Ramda Universitas Katolik Santu paulus Ruteng
  • Bedilius Gunur Universitas Katolik Santu Paulus Ruteng
  • Alberta Parinters Makur Universitas Katolik Santu Paulus Ruteng
  • Fulgensius Efrem Men Universitas Katolik Santu Paulus Ruteng



problem-solving abilities, mathematical attitudes, college student, ruteng


A person's problem-solving abilities can be differentiated according to mathematical attitudes and gender differences. This study aims to describe students' problem solving abilities based on the category of mathematical attitudes and their relationship based on gender. The populations in this study were students of the mathematics education study program at the Catholic University of Santu Paulus Ruteng and then randomly selected grade III C students were selected as samples. The instruments used were a mathematical attitude questionnaire and a problem-solving ability test that had been tested for validity. Based on the category of high, medium, and low mathematical attitudes, 6 research subjects were selected, representing 3 men and 3 women respectively. The six research subjects were given a problem solving ability test. It was found that the level of problem solving ability of students was directly proportional to their mathematical attitudes. YTM and MYD students, who have high mathematical attitudes, also have high problem solving abilities. WHT and KDM have moderate mathematical attitudes; their problem solving abilities are also moderate. OTP and MTP who have low mathematical attitudes also have low problem solving abilities. While the value of men's mathematical problem-solving abilities with a moderate mathematical attitude is in the medium category, for women it is in the high category. Whereas in the category of high and low mathematical attitudes; both men and women obtained the same problem solving ability scores.


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How to Cite

Hendrice Ramda, A., Bedilius Gunur, Alberta Parinters Makur, & Fulgensius Efrem Men. (2020). Analysis of Student Ability in Solving the Mathematical Problems in terms of Mathematical Attitudes and Gender in Ruteng. Edumatica : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 10(2), 28-37.