Education and Library Journal (EdLib) Professionally managed and published by UPT Pepustakaan Jambi University in helping academics, researchers and practitioners to disseminate their research results.all publications on EdLib Journal are open which allows articles to be freely available online without any subscription.  Education and Library Jounral (EdLib) is a national journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the fields of education and library science but not implicitly limited and free of charge in the submission process.  Education and Library Journal (EdLib) publishes papers regularly 2 times a year, namely in August and January

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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): Education and Library Journal
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Education and Library Journal (EdLib) is a blind-peer reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the field of education and library but not implicitly limited. all publications are open access which allows articles to be freely available online without any subscription.