About the Journal

BIOSPECIES a scientific journal published by the Biology Education Studies Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi since 2008. Published twice a year in January and July. BIOSPECIES is a scientific journal that focuses on publishing the results of tropical biology research, with a scope that includes zoology, botany, microbiology, ecology, and the environment.

Since early 2012, BIOSPECIES has been included in the official website of Universitas Jambi and uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) with the following address: https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/biospecies. Thus, the enthusiasm of authors from various parts of Indonesia is increasing, from Aceh to Papua. All BIOSPECIES edition of the journal can be accessed on the website, however Journal BIOSPECIES still be printed in hardcopy form in limited quantities.

Currently, BIOSPECIES own P-ISSN number 19790902, E-ISSN 2503-0426, and has been listed on Higher Education Arjuna. In 2016 Biospecies get Governance Grants Accreditation to the electronic Journal of Intellectual Property Management Directorate, Directorate General for Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Jakarta, with a letter of assignment agreement number: 024 / e5.2 / btbi / v / 2016 dated May 20, 2016. Various activities have been carried out to improvment journal towards accreditation is; workshops editorial board, training development of web design and online submission, as well as training for the author writing scientific articles. As a result of the current training BIOSPECIES already indexed in Google Scholar, IPI, and DOI Crossreff with identifier number 10.22437. Since 11th August  2017, BIOSPECIES have  DOAJ index. This year, BIOSPECIES will be registered for accreditation through the Higher Education arjuna.dikti.go.id.

Since vol 11 no 2 (Jjuly 2018), each publication contain 10 articles, previously only 5 article.