Dwi Kartika, S.Si., Journal Systems<p>Journal title : BIOSPECIES<br />Initials : BIOSPECIES<br />Abbreviation : BIOSPECIES<br />Frequency : Two issues per year ( January and July)<br />DOI : prefix 10.22437<br />Print ISSN : 2503-0426<br />Online ISSN : 1979-0902<br />Editor-in-Chief : Winda Dwi Kartika, S.Si., M.Si.<br />Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Jambi University<br />Citation Analysis : <a href="">Google scholar</a> | <a href="">SINTA</a> | <a href="">Garuda</a> | <a href="">DOAJ</a> | <a href="">ARJUNA</a></p> Plate Count and Total Fungal Count on The Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum2024-10-14T15:38:37+07:00Amanda Nabila Putrifloreta.fiska@gmail.comAsti Anwar Setiawatifloreta.fiska@gmail.comDina Masruurohfloreta.fiska@gmail.comAfriyanti Rifqi Absanifloreta.fiska@gmail.comSurahmaida Surahmaidafloreta.fiska@gmail.comKinanti Ayu Puji Lestarifloreta.fiska@gmail.comFloreta Fiska<p>Mushrooms are a source of antioxidants. Mushrooms can be processed into various products. Both raw materials and finished products from mushrooms must comply with established standards. The aim of this research was to determine the total plate count and total fungal count in Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus samples. The method used is the Total Plate Count (TPC) and Total Fungal Count (TFC). The TPC value in G. lucidum was 6.4 x 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g and TFC was 3.9 x 10<sup>5</sup> CFU/g. This value exceeds the BPOM maximum standard for tea products or herbal brews. The TPC value in P. ostreatus was 1.2 x 10<sup>5</sup> CFU/g and TFC was 4.9 x 10<sup>5</sup> CFU/g. The TPC value for P. ostreatus is less than the maximum standard set by BPOM, while the TFC value exceeds the maximum standard for powder or mixture of soup and broth. The conclusion of this research is that the TPC and TFC in the G. lucidum and P. ostreatus samples exceed the standards set by BPOM No. 13 of 2019 except for the TPC in the P. ostreatus sample.</p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Biospecies Activity of Pineapple Peel Eco-enzyme (Ananas comosus (L). MERR) Tangkit Variety as a Natural Antiseptic Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus2024-08-23T14:39:31+07:00Hefzi Prasetyo Azri Pratamahefziprasetyo25@gmail.comPutri Indriaty SyahPutriindriatysyah1@gmail.comIbnu Royhanibnuroyhan1@gmail.comHasna Ul Maritsahasnaul.maritsa123@gmail.comAshif Irvan<p>Bacteria are one of the causes of disease in humans, there are various types of bacteria in the environment that can infect humans either directly or by vectors. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are bacteria that are often found in everyday life. One effective effort to fight these bacteria is to wash hands with cleaning agents. One of the natural cleaners that can be used as hand soap is ecoenzyme from pineapple skin because it contains antibacterial substances such as vitamin C, Carotenoids and Flavonoids. In addition, pineapple skin also contains tannins, saponins, phenols, carbohydrates, terpenoids, alkaloids, phenols, anthraquinones, and amino acids. In addition to having a rich content of secondary metabolite compounds, pineapple skin is also not utilized so that pineapple skin waste is widely found. This makes pineapple skin waste very suitable to be processed into ecoenzymes and used as antibacterial cleaning agents. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of pineapple ecoenzyme to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and to determine the effectiveness value of pineapple ecoenzyme in inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The method used in this study was the test of ecoenzyme inhibition activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria using discs. There were 4 treatments, namely 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% ecoenzyme and 4 replications were made. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the effectiveness of pineapple peel waste ecoenzyme has a weak category with the highest concentration inhibiting Escherichia coli bacteria of 4.75 mm at a concentration of 100%, while Staphylococcus aureus bacteria had 2.75 mm at a concentration of 75%. The 70% alcohol control has an inhibitory power against both bacteria which is still higher than Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. </p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Biospecies and Characterization of Pyricularia oryzae Fungi Causing Blast Disease in Rice Plants2024-11-20T11:54:04+07:00Fitri Astriawatitugasakhirmahasiswapbio@gmail.comQurrotul<p><em>Blast disease caused by the fungus Pyricularia oryzae is one of the major diseases in rice plants (Oryza sativa) that can significantly reduce crop yields. This research aims to isolate and characterize P. oryzae macroscopically and microscopically. This study is exploratory research. The research methods include sampling leaves and stems of rice plants showing blast symptoms, isolating the fungus from infected plant tissues, and characterizing the macroscopic and microscopic features of the isolated fungi. The results showed that P. oryzae grown on PDA medium has colonies that are round with smooth edges, a velvety surface texture, light gray to dark gray with a blackish center, and white to gray concentric ring-like margins. Microscopically, the fungi P. oryzae produce asexual spores known as conidia that are pyriform in shape with two septa dividing the conidia into three cells. The conidia are attached to the tips or branches of conidiophores. The conidiophores of P. oryzae are transparent to brownish, tubular, long filaments, septate, and thicker at the base. This identification provides important information for more effective control of blast disease and the development of sustainable disease management strategies</em></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Biospecies of Various Empons and Synbiotics on the Growth of White Shrimp Larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei)2024-10-14T13:51:41+07:00Sumardi Nugroho<p>The global market demand for vaname shrimp in Indonesia is increasing every year. Vannamei shrimp is a mainstay of fisheries commodities. Cultivators often encounter vibriosis disease caused by <em>Vibrio</em> sp. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the feed by adding supplements from synbiotics and empon-empon. This study aims to determine the effect of synbiotics and empon-empon on the growth of white shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>) larvae in controlling <em>Vibrio</em> sp. Parameters measured included daily length growth, survival, water quality, total bacteria, and total vibrio. Water quality and total bacteria are growth-supporting factors. The treatments consisted of positive control (C+), negative control (C-), Synbiotic 1 (S<sub>1</sub>), Synbiotic 2 (S<sub>2</sub>), Synbiotic 3 (S<sub>3</sub>), Synbiotic 4 (S<sub>4</sub>), and empon-empon (E). The synbiotics used were Bacillus sp 1x 10<sup>10</sup>. as a probiotic, 2 ppm yam paste as a prebiotic and 1 ppm ginger, 1 ppm white turmeric, and 1 ppm black cumin. And the combination of the three types of empon-empon with a concentration of 0.5 ppm (treatment S<sub>4</sub> and E). The results showed that the S<sub>2 </sub>treatment had a significant effect (P>0.05) on the daily length of the fry with an average of 0.05±0.06 mm. The S4 treatment had a significant effect on survival with a percentage of 83.6%. The lowest total Vibrio was shown in the S4 treatment with a value of 0.45±0.5 logs CFU/ml. The total density of bacteria was shown in the S2.treatment with a value of 2.28 ±log CFU/ml.</p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Biospecies of Mangrove Litter in The Kawal Waters of Bintan Regency2024-11-28T12:07:32+07:00Anggriani Anggrianianggrianiyani0501@gmail.comDiana Azizahanggrianiyani0501@gmail.comDedy<p> <span class="fontstyle0">Research on the productivity of mangrove litter in the Kawal Waters of Bintan Regency. The purpose of this study is to determine the production and decomposition rate of mangrove litter as well as the relationship between mangrove conditions and litter production in the Kawal Waters of Bintan Regency. This research was conducted in July - August 2024. The method used was direct field survey. The location determination method used random sampling of 20 points scattered in the Kawal Waters. The litter sampling method used traps with litter traps measuring 1 m × 1 m, with<br />3 placed diagonally. Measurement of canopy cover density and mangrove litter was conducted using plots measuring 10 m × 10 m. The types of mangroves found in Kawal Waters are 9 species, namely Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera cylindrica,<br />Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Scyphiphora hydrophylacea, Lumnitzera littorea, Xylocarpus granatum, and Sonneratia alba. From 20 research points, a density value ranging from 1000 ind/ha to 4700 ind/ha was obtained, with an average of 2980 ind/ha. The canopy cover at the research locations<br />ranged from 46.45% to 87.85%, with an average of 66.73%. Based on Kepmen LH No. 201 of 2004, the density in Kawal Waters is classified as moderate to good, while the canopy cover is classified as sparse to good. The rate of mangrove litter production at 20 research points has an average of<br />12.83 g/m²/day, with leaf production at 9.15 g/m²/day, twig production at 0.28 g/m²/day, and fruit/flower production at 3.40 g/m²/day. The decomposition of litter obtained a value of 26% for the average of all sampling points. The results of the regression analysis to determine the relationship between mangrove conditions, namely density and percentage cover, and litter production obtained an R value of 0.953, which has a very strong correlation coefficient relationship.</span> </p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Biospecies