About the Journal

Title: Jurnal Bio-Geo Material Dan Energi
ISSN: P-ISSN: 2808-1560 and E-ISSN: 2808-1404
Focus and Scope: Energy materials derived from biomass, food technology, materials obtained from mining, synthesis of new materials (both organic and inorganic), Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), green materials, material characterization (both spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic methods), batteries, renewable energy, policy, fossil energy, energy characterization, and social, economic, and humanities studies related to bio-geo materials.
Frequency Publish: Regularly two times a year in March and September
Language: Indonesia and English
Indexed at: Dimension, DOI Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda, ROAD
Article Processing Charge:
  • Article Submission: 0,00 IDR: Authors are NOT required to pay an Article Submission Fee.
  • Article processing charges (APCs) / Article Publication Fee: FREE is accepted for publication.

The Jurnal Bio-Geo Material Dan Energi is a scientific periodical dedicated to the study of Biology-Geology in the realms of Materials and Energy. Its primary objective is to provide a platform for researchers in this domain to disseminate their unique research, thereby contributing to the advancement and innovation in bio and geo materials as well as energy. With a biannual publication schedule in March and September, the journal is accessible online at https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/bigme/index, and physical copies are also available. Emphasizing originality, the articles are expected to present novel scientific research that has not been previously published. The journal is identified by the e-ISSN 2808-1404 and p-ISSN 2808-1560.

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Bio-Geo Material and Energy (BiGME), September 2024
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