Above Ground Biomass Estimation at KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur


  • Agus Kurniawan Mastur Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi
  • Eva Achmad Program Studi Kehutanan, Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi
  • Bremi Renata Simbolon Program Studi Kehutanan, Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi



above ground biomass, estimated, NDVI


Plant biomass is a carbon storage. The amount of biomass depends on the vegetation. This study aimed to analyze and predicted the above ground biomass stock in KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur. Regression analysis was used by correlating the biomass value from field measurement and the NDVI value from Landsat 8 imagery. Some of the regression equations tested were: linear, exponential, quadratic and rank. The best regression equation is used to estimate the biomass stock in KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur. The best model used to estimate above ground biomass stocks based on the NDVI value in East Tebo KPHP is quadratic with the equation Y = 574.05 ((NDVI) 2) - 17.24 (R2 = 85.5%). The analysis results showed that the above ground biomass stock in KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur was 9,695,091.39 tons.


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How to Cite

Mastur AK, Achmad E, Simbolon BR. PENDUGAAN BIOMASSA ATAS PERMUKAAN DI KPHP UNIT X TEBO TIMUR: Above Ground Biomass Estimation at KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur. Jurnal Silva Tropika [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];5(1):357-65. Available from: