The Effect of The Use of Fingerprint-Based Attendance and Discipline on The Work Commitment of Non-Civil Servants at The Muaro Jambi Education and Culture Office


  • Agnes Sintia universitas Jambi
  • Firman Universitas Jambi



This study aims to determine the influence of Fingerprint-Based Attendance and Discipline on the Work Commitment of Non-Civil Servants at the Muaro Jambi Education and Culture Office. This study uses a quantitative method and research data is obtained by distributing questionnaires to non-civil servants. The population in this study is Non-Civil Servants at the Muaro Jambi Education and Culture Office. The sample in this study is 50 Non-Civil Servants with a sampling technique using the total sampling technique. The results of this study show that: (1) There is an effect of Fingerprint-Based Attendance on Work Commitment. This is evidenced by the results of the t-test with a calculated t-value greater than the t-value of the table, which is 2.705 > 2.011 with a percentage of 21.3%. Therefore, there is a significant influence between fingerprint-based attendance and employee work commitment, so H¬¬o is rejected and Ha is accepted. (2) There is an influence of work discipline on the employee's work commitment. This is evidenced by the results of the t-test witha calculated  t-value greater than the t-value of the table, which is 2.472 > 2.052 with a percentage of 11.3%. Therefore, there is a significant influence between work discipline and employee work commitment, so Ho ¬is rejected and Ha is accepted. (3) There is an influence of fingerprint-based attendance and discipline on employee work commitment. This is evidenced by the results of the F test with a calculated t-value greater than the t-valueof the table¬, which is 4.653 > 3.18 with a percentage of 12.8%, the remaining 87.2% is influenced by other variables that are not discussed in this study. Therefore, there is a significant influence between fingerprint-based attendance, work discipline and employee work commitment, so H o is rejected and Ha is accepted.


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How to Cite

Sintia, A., & Firman, F. (2024). The Effect of The Use of Fingerprint-Based Attendance and Discipline on The Work Commitment of Non-Civil Servants at The Muaro Jambi Education and Culture Office. Indonesian Educational Administration and Leadership Journal (IDEAL), 6(1), 17–29.