About the Journal

Jurnal Pion : Jurnal Research Studi is a national scientific journal that is open to seek innovation, creativity, and novelty. Jurnal Pion is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jambi. The aim of the journal is to facilitate scientific publication of the results of researches in Indonesia and participate to boost the quality and quantity of research for academics and researchers. Starting in 2021 the frequency of publications will be 6 monthly, published in June, and December by publishing the results of research and critical analysis studies in the fields of Sport Education, Sports Coaching, Sport Tourism, and Traditional Sports.

Jurnal Pion

E-ISSN                    | 2827-9301
Subject                   | sports and health education
Publisher                | Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kepelatihan FKIP Universitas Jambi

Open Acces Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public to supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Benefits of open access for the author, include:

  • Free access for all users worldwide
  • Authors retain copyright to their work
  • Increased visibility and readership
  • Rapid publication
  • No spatial constraints

Aims and Scope

The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of sport

Jurnal PION Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of sport areas as follows:

  1. Physical Education
  2. Sports Tourism
  3. Sport Coaching
  4. Physical Activities
  5. Sports Biomechanics
  6. Sports Pedagogy
  7. Sports Physiology
  8. Sports Psychology