Determinan investasi di Provinsi Jambi: pendekatan error correction model
Kata Kunci:
investment, exchange rate, export, Interest rate, global oil priceAbstrak
amount of export, global oil price, and electricity consumption on Jambi Province Investments in 1995-2021 using Error Correction Model (ECM) analysis method. The average rate of Domestic Investment contribution to the total investment in Jambi Province is 85,15% that is relatively high. Based in this research indicating that parcially rupiah exchange rate and export have a positif and significant effect on investment in a long term. Beside that in a short term rupiah exchange rate and electricity consumption have a positif and significant effect on Jambi Province investment. And global oil price has negatif and significant effect on Jambi Province investment.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2022 Rio Rio, Junaidi Junaidi, Candra Mustika
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