Jejaring kolaborasi dan kapabilitas inovasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja UMKM tempe dan kripik tempe di Kampung Wisata Tempe Sanan


  • Rizki Aprilia Dwi Susanti universitas tribhuwana tunggadewi
  • Yayuk Sulistyowati Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi



collaborative networking, innovation capability, MSME performance


This research is a quantitative study titled "Collaborative Networking and Innovation Capability in Enhancing the Performance of Tempeh and Tempeh Chips MSMEs in the Tempeh Tourism Village of Sanan." The objective of the research is to maximize the role of collaborative networking in improving the performance of Tempeh Chips MSMEs and to maximize the innovation capability in enhancing the performance of Tempeh Chips MSMEs. The method used in this research employs a quantitative approach to test the formulated hypotheses. Quantitative research is a process of discovering knowledge using numerical data as a tool to analyze information about what we want to know. The population consists of 500 Tempeh and Tempeh Chips craftsmen scattered throughout the Tempeh Tourism Village of Sanan. The sample was calculated using the Slovin formula, resulting in 223 samples. Based on the research findings, the results are as follows: (1) There is an influence of Collaborative Networking on the Performance of Tempeh and Tempeh Chips MSMEs, thus H1 is accepted; (2) There is an influence of Innovation Capability on the Performance of Tempeh and Tempeh Chips MSMEs, thus H2 is accepted; (3) There is an influence of Collaborative Networking and Innovation Capability on the Performance of Tempeh and Tempeh Chips MSMEs, thus H3 is accepted.


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How to Cite

Rizki Aprilia Dwi Susanti, & Sulistyowati, Y. . (2024). Jejaring kolaborasi dan kapabilitas inovasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja UMKM tempe dan kripik tempe di Kampung Wisata Tempe Sanan. Jurnal Paradigma Ekonomika, 19(2), 737–746.