Author Guidelines

1. Submission of Manuscript

  • Manuscript can be written in Indonesian or English.
  • Mathematical Sciences and Applications (MSA) Journal publishes three types of manuscripts: communications, research articles, and reviews (based on the request of the editorial board).
  • The manuscript has not already been published or submitted elsewhere. If similar or related work has been published or submitted elsewhere, then you must provide a copy with the submitted manuscript. You may not submit your manuscript elsewhere while it is under consideration at MSA.
  • Manuscripts are not a result of plagiarism or duplication of other scientific works (self-plagiarism).
  • The author provides a statement letter when the manuscript will be published.
  • The manuscript is written following the manuscript template of MSA as provided.
  • The manuscript should be between 2000 -3000 words in MS Word format.
  • The format of manuscript writing is a distance of 1.5 spacing, Cambria, font size 11 points, 1 column, margin following the manuscript template of MSA.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted using the online submission system to MSA.

2. Format of Manuscript

The manuscript containing the following information: title, the full name of each author and affiliation, abstract in English and keywords. MSA uses several sub-headings containing Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and Bibliography. Avoid using too many sub-headings.

  • Title. The title should concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formula where possible.
  • Author information. The names of the authors are written without an academic degree, accompanied by the names of each institution (if different, write separately). The corresponding author is marked with *, ensure that the e-mail address is given and that contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author.
  • Abstract. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions in one paragraph and it has to be written in English. As per the journal style, the abstract text should not be more than 300 words. Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
  • Figures. Ensure that each figure has a caption with a sequential number (1,2,3). A caption should comprise a brief title and a description of the figure. Keep text in the figure themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Examples are provided in the Jurnal Riset Kimia template.
  • Tables. Ensure that each table has a caption with a sequential number (1,2,3) with the caption above the table body and place any table notes below the table body. Examples are provided in the Jurnal Riset Kimia template.
  • References. References are placed at the end of the manuscript with sequential numbers based on the order that appears in the text. The bibliography in the text is referred to using numbers with square brackets. It is highly recommended to use reference software. MSA provides output styles for Mendeley users.


Examples of References List

1. Example of writing reference from a Journal

##. Last name, First name author 1, Author 2 & Author 3. year. Title of article. Journal name, vol(no), page, DOI.


  1. Kim, D. S., & Kim, T. 2020. A Note on a New Type of Degenerate Bernoulli Numbers. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 27(2), 227–235.

2. Example of writing reference from a Book


##. Last name, First name author 1, Author 2 & Author 3. Year. Title of book. Edition (if any), Place of Publication: Publisher. DOI (if any)


  1. Penot, J. P. 2013. Calculus Without Derivatives (Vol. 266). New York, NY: Springer New York.


##. Last name, First name author 1, Author 2 & Author 3. Year. Title of Part. In Title of book (page), Edition (if any). Place of Publication: Publisher. DOI (if any).


  1. Bohner, M., & Georgiev, S. G. 2016. Parameter-Dependent Integrals. In Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales (pp. 261–302). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

3. Example of writing reference from a Proceedings

Published Conference articles in Proceedings

##. Last name, First name author 1, Author 2 & Author 3. Year. Title of article. In Title of Proceeding (page). Place of Publication: Publisher. DOI (if any).


  1. Hopkins, S. B., Kamath, G., & Majid, M. 2022. Efficient mean estimation with pure differential privacy via a sum-of-squares exponential mechanism. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (pp. 1406–1417). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

4. Reference from website

##. Last name, First name author. Year, month date of publication. Title of document. Title of website or owner, Year of publication. Retrieved month day, year, from URL.


  1. Strang, G. 2016, March 30. Calculus Volume 1. OpenStax. Accessed: August 24, 2023,


6. Reference from thesis or Dissertation

Thesis Published in Online College Database

##. Last name, First name author. Year. Title of thesis or dissertation. University.


  1. Sudweeks, F. 2004. Development and leadership in computer-mediated collaborative groups. Murdoch University.


MSA recommends using references software for references and bibliography (eg. Mendeley, EndNote, BibTex, etc).

Mendeley users may use the link of MSA style as follows :

Copy the references style of the MSA link to Mendeley in View> Quote Styles> Get more Styles

Download the Manuscript Template of MSA here