This is an outdated version published on 2020-04-28. Read the most recent version.

Analisis Lingkungan Pengendapan Batubara PT. Marunda Graha Mineral Kabupaten Murung Raya Mineral, Kalimantan Tengah



 Coal in Indonesia is predominantly used as an energy source. However, there are some terms and criteria which must be met in order to be utilized as much as possible of coal as an energy source. A coal necessary for an examination to obtain quality data, so that the coal is feasible and can be utilized as needed. Depositional environment and a coal maturity level (rank) are all factors that affect the quality of the coal. Depositional environment can be identified through the characteristics of the coal-forming organic material that can be observed under a microscope, while the coal maturity level (rank) can be obtained through testing with vitrinite reflectance method. In this research conducted petrographic analysis to obtain the organic component data (maceral) and inorganic components (mineral matter), which is then used to reconstruct the depositional environment of coal. Vitrinite reflectance test is also conducted to obtain data coal maturity level (rank). Results of TPI-GI and GWI-VI diagram indicates that sample from Wet Forest Swamp (telmatic), depositional environment of coal and the type of peat is ombrothropic. Moist environment with the type of peat is ombrothropic caused by the high intensity of the seasonal rains so that the ground water level rises. Results of data analysis based on vitrinit reflectance standard ASTM D388:1998, shows the coal maturity level (rank) of High Volatile B Bituminous Coal.

Keywords : depositional environment, maceral, mineral matter, rank, vitrinite reflectance


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How to Cite

Analisis Lingkungan Pengendapan Batubara PT. Marunda Graha Mineral Kabupaten Murung Raya Mineral, Kalimantan Tengah. (2020). JTK (Jurnal Teknik Kebumian), 5(2), 37–46.